As my grandmother used to say, “Knowledge is power. It is the one thing no one can take away from you.” ~Nana Boros
As mental health and relationships are vital to our everyday living, let Moving Forward Therapy and Beyond provide education and knowledge on how to do things differently by creating positive change within your relationships. We aim to help educate our communities on various topics from a systemic framework. Through this systemic framework, we understand that relationships are inner connected and not linear. In other words, everything is connected, and we formulate all relationships through that connection. Relationships can be familial, romantic, friendships, acquaintances, and even strangers. No matter the relationship type, we continue to ensure that we are helping our communities build healthy and sustainable relationships for a better quality of living.
Let Moving Forward Therapy and Beyond empower you with knowledge. We are available for presentations, to attend panel discussions, and be guest speakers for the communities we serve within Florida and Texas (additionally, we may be able to accommodate other locations if available).